Dream Sharing
I had a dream that my son and I were shot twice in the upper chest and when I
tried to call 911 no one would answer. I tried at least 4 times and gave up
then I said to my son we don't need to go to the hospital anyway because we
aren't bleeding anyway. I remember looking at the wounds in my dream and
they were closed with just a line like they were already healed. I never saw
who ran up to us and shot us and I never saw my sons face in the dream.
It sounds like you may have been wounded (maybe twice) by something. Your son might represent
your vulnerability. You are calling to the authorities for help but you are getting no answer. This could
mean that you are calling out to the controlling part of yourself for help, but you are not responding.
The part of yourself that is in charge is not paying attention. Eventually you notice that your wound
is partially healed so you give up. You might be reminding yourself that there is a scar left over.
I had a dream about my teeth, there was one tooth and it was a little black
and when I went to touch it I pulled out a worm and my tooth on the inside
was kind of green. I went to touch my tooth for the second time and it was
soft almost like it was melting away.
Any idea on what that could mean?
Here are some ideas about what the symbols in your dream might represent:
teeth-smile, presentation, age, wisdom
worm- parasite, decomposing
green tooth- gone bad or rotten
soft tooth- weak, deteriorating
You must examine the symbols and see what they mean to you. Perhaps you see something about
yourself that is exposed publicly as beginning to decay. Part of it has already been destroyed and
another part of it is weakened and beginning to deteriorate.
This is just an idea, only you can know what these symbols mean to you.
Hope this helps.
For about four years now since I was in grade 8 to the present I have
having this dream ocasinally that I am at school or on the bus and I
shoes on and I am embarresed about it and I try and find them but I
and sometimes while im looking for them really wierd things happen on
I have always wondered what this meant
thank you for your help.
Your dream has some very interesting symbols in it. Shoes can represent a
few things. They can represent your own sense of your foundations or the
basic principles you live by. It can also represent spiritual foundations.
Having exposed feet can mean that you feel vulnerable or a lack of
Perhaps on a few occasions, you have lost sight of your basic principles.
Being on
the bus or at school might represent being out in the world on life's
Losing your foundations has left you feeling exposed, vulnerable,
unprotected and embarrassed.
In your dream you might be judging yourself. Embarrassment can represent
your own sense of shame. Is it possible that over the years you have done
odd thing that is against your basic principles of right and wrong?
Is your higher self trying to show you the error of your ways?
Having wierd things happen while you are trying to find your
principles kind of makes sense, doesn't it? Having this dream repetitively
means that
you might want to use this type of dream as a red flag. Whenever you dream
think about what you have been doing in your life and whether or not you
should change
things that don't feel right.
What an excellent tool for you to use in
life, the wisdom in you seems to be trying to keep you on the right track.
Good for
Heaven and Hell
I recently had a dream involving heaven and hell. In the dream, which was
very vivid and realistic, I was in Heaven but only on a "trial period". I was
trying desperately to stay there and not be sent to hell. It was very
stressful, and very eerie and I woke with a feeling of not having slept at
all. I was unable to shake the feeling of death and heaven and hell the
day after the dream. I was wondering if the dream had a direct association
death itself or is there another meaning it could have had?
Perhaps there is some situation in your life that you view as a beautiful, wonderful thing(heaven). For
some reason, you don't feel like you have secured this situation(trial period). Your dream seems to
reflect feelings of insecurity and fear of losing this great thing. The trial period might indicate that
you feel you have not been fully accepted in this wonderful place/relationship (whatever it might be)
yet. The fact that you were 'trying desperately' to stay might mean that you are resisting change or
are afraid of the consequences of change that might bring pain and suffering(hell).
Your feelings in your dream seem to be, stress, desperation, fear. You might want to try to meditate
on these feelings, has anything in your life caused you to experience these feelings lately?
Only you can tell whether or not these ideas ring true. If they don't, go back to the symbols and
themes of your dream (heaven, trial period, trying to stay, hell) and think about them or write about
them. What do they mean to you? Why did you use them? You can even ask the questions and just
write down your answers and see what comes up.
If these ideas do ring true, perhaps you are trying to face some fear in your life. Sometimes, if you
go back into your dream in your mind and re-write the dream, this time seeing what happens
if........, it can be very helpful. The beauty of facing fears in a dream is that you can always wake up.
Hope this helps.